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March 3, 2007 / TJ Hawke

El Generico vs. Zombified from ISW’s Slamtasia 2007


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Recap from TJ Hawke:

This was Generico’s debut in ISDub.  Generico may be the best wrestler in the world, but how will he do against the undead?  Zombified did some flippy stuff early. He sent Generico to the floor with a sloppy slingshot hurricanrana. Zombified followed it up with a tope suicida. That was an awesome dive.  They went back to the ring, and Zombified was in control.  Zombified went for a corner splash, but Generico caught him and hit a back suplex. Cool counter.  Generico made a comeback. Generico called for the Turnbuckle Brainbuster, but Zombified blocked the attempt. Zombified came back with a diving tornado DDT and a sloppy reverse hurricanrana: 1…2…NO!  To be fair, Zombified’s sloppiness is probably attributed to him being a rotting corpse.   Generico came back with a Falcon Arrow/Fisherman Buster type move: 1…2…NO! Generico called for a Yakuza, but another zombie on the floor slowed him up. Generico went for the Yakuza again, but Zombified caught him and hit an exploder. Zombified went for a twisting splash, but Generico got his knees up. Generico came back with a Yakuza and the BRAINBUSTAHHHH: 1…2…3!!!


El Generico’s character is flexible enough that he can easily fit into many different environments. This was my first time seeing him in ISDub, and it’s safe to say that this environment was very well suited for Generico. While the match had a few sloppy moments, I found this match to be quite fun.  You should absolutely check it out. Ole.

Match Rating: **3/4

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