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September 14, 2008 / TJ Hawke

Bryan Danielson vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru from ROH’s The Tokyo Summit 2008

Recap from TJ Hawke:

This match was for Kanemaru’s GHC Jr. Heavyweight Championship. I know Dragon won the belt around this time, but I cannot remember if this is the match where he won it.

Kanemaru was in his fourth reign. Kanemaru hit a slingshot plancha. Kanemaru got control of the match and started going after Dragon’s neck. Dragon came back by going after Kanemaru’s left arm. Kanemaru came back and got a number of nearfalls. Dragon fired back with a lot of strikes, and he managed to lock in an armbar. Kanemaru survived, but Dragon then got a nearfall with a German. Kanemaru hit a diving DDT, but Dragon got his foot on the ropes. Kanemaru got a nearfall with a brainbuster. Dragon got a nearfall with a Tiger suplex. Dragon managed to lock in the Cattle Mutilation after another Tiger Suplex…and Kanemaru taps!!! New champ!

The crowd heat was not exactly there for this match, but the work was good enough to justify a recommendation for this match. Check it out.

Match Rating: ***1/2

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