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October 2, 2011 / Shelly Deathlock

Sara Del Rey & Madison Eagles vs. Ayumi Kurihara & Ayako Hamada from SHIMMER 2011

Recap by @indiandeathlock:

The action starts with Sara Del Rey vs. referee Bryce Remsburg and then vs. a streamer – that is very good, and then the actual match starts QUICKLY and moves to the outside of the ring immediately: chaos.

Kurihara and Del Rey finally start off in the ring in a more civilized manner. Eventually Del Rey and Eagles show their TRUE COLORS (evil cheaters) and Sara Del Rey BITES KURIHARA’S FACE OFF (not literally though) while Madison distracts the referee.  Eagles and Del Rey take their turns beating up Kurihara with fast tags and solid teamwork and also cheating.

Hamada finally tags in and is able to mount some stiff offense on Del Rey and Eagles who won’t quit easily — Hamada takes them both on for WAY LONGER than the referee should be allowing but this lets Kurihara rest a bit. Hamada can’t fend both Eagles and Del Rey off, of course, but she does a good job. When Kurihara gets back in she and Eagles have an interesting dynamic because of their size difference — Madison’s taller than almost everyone but she’s a good seven inches taller than Kurihara. Some typical David & Goliath type wrestling stuff. I’d be glad to watch a singles match between them.

This match is good action and it’s fun to watch Del Rey and Eagles be cocky heels. Also, everyone is a suplex machine (except for Hamada who is a powerbomb machine) and there are some beautiful high spots!

Kaomoji match rating: (✿◠‿◠)


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